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Nevada Gold and Gems #1868

Nevada Gold and Gems #1868


The deposits of obsidian, opalite, chalcedony, agate, jasper and quartz were found throughout the state.  This created mining activities by the early Indians that predated the Comstock discovery.  Arrowheads, spear points and cutting and scraping tools were fashioned from their efforts.  Remnants of these activities were found near Tonopah, Beatty and the Carson Sink in Washoe Valley.  These found treasures are believed to be approximately 10,000 years old!

The Anasazi mined turquoise near Boulder City in Clark County.  The miners of 1859 worked their way up Gold and Six Mile Canyons where they found the Comstock Lode. The discovery of silver sulphide was the result of an assay of the “annoying black material” that was clogging the sluices.  This discovery created the first silver mine in the nation. In addition to gold and silver, 47 other gem deposit locations are featured in this map collection such as agate, amethystine, apache tears, azurite, bloodstone, carnelian, fire opal, fossil, garnet, jasper, obsidian, petrified wood, sunstones, topaz, and turquoise — just to name a few!  The western half of the state appears to be the leader of gold and gems but the eastern portion should not be discounted.    Map #5, prepared by the Nevada State Bureau of Mines in 1936, shows 58 placer districts by location and name.  Some of these areas are the northwest portion of the state, northeast of Hawthorne, north of Battle Mountain and west of Tonopah.

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Nevada Gold & Gems Maps: Then and Now is a package, measuring 6.5″ x 9.5″, containing five maps printed on both sides . The very readable maps measure 17.5″ x 23″ when unfolded.   This package includes:

Map #1, side 1 is of the NW Section.  Side 2 is a map of 1866 mineral deposits

Map #2, side 1 is of the NE Section. Side 2 is text

Map #3, side 1 is of the SW Section.  Side 2 is a map of 1882 of the northern half of Nevada

Map #4, side 1 is of the SE section. Side 2 is a map of 1882 of the southern half of Nevada

Map #5, is a map of 1936 placer districts.  Side 2 shows early towns of 1900